You can only hold it in for so long
I have found that sometimes, pursuing peace happens in the quiet and sometimes it happens when finally speaking up, in saying what your heart has been meaning to say. I have found that speaking up doesn’t mean that everything is suddenly resolved or figured out. Speaking up does not mean you are guaranteed to get the response you were longing for, but I have found that it matters to be free. It matters to loosen the shoulders and know that I am just a little bit closer toward not holding it all any longer. I am stronger.
Today, I hope you find a safe space where you can say what your heart longs to say. I hope whether the words come out in a letter or face to face or even just tucked away in your journal, for now, I hope that whatever “letting go” looks like today, you do not have to hold it all in. You are worthy of the release. You are worthy of freedom.
Sometimes peace is in the silence.
Other times, it’s when we finally find that courage to speak.
Take heart.
Breathe deep.
Take the leap.